Monday, January 21, 2008

Get Your Game On

Today's the last day to check out Otronicon at the Orlando Science Center. And while the concept gets lots of props from media, government and business types - it probably deserves more. This is one of the things that's right about Orlando.

Otronicon stands for (O)rlando Elec(tron)ic (I)nteractive Entertainment (Con)vention - which is really the mash up of our art, digitial media, education, military training and simulation industries. We're one of the few communities in the country to lay claim to all of those in combination so - as the web site says - it is "uniquely Orlando." Clearly, the presence of creative class business is extending its influence with the result being Otronicon.

That it's also cool makes it all the more worthy of support and praise. This is what science class should be - fun, interactive and directly related to high-wage high-skill jobs. Last year's event attracted 18,000 folks. Here's hoping 2008 numbers are even higher.

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