Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Creative Village Blueprint

Don’t you love when practical people take theory and make it actionable? Finally, plans for a DIY creative village!

Okay, that’s probably simplifying things and the strategies outlined in this Cornell University paper probably aren’t rocket science. But they seem like reasonable first steps and – hey – it’s still all about first steps for us. A summary of the document is here:

“This toolkit is excerpted from a paper that reports on a research and technical assistance effort to examine creative-economy initiatives in upstate New York and how they can be translated into strategies for community and regional development in small and medium-size cities. We focus on the potential role of higher-education institutions in building local creative economies and lay out specific strategies for community and regional economic-development planning. These strategies include: stakeholder gatherings, super-collaborators, local and regional arts councils, festivals and special events, collaborative organizational designs, service-learning arts projects, student-led community arts projects, research collaborations and arts-based brick-and-mortar projects.”

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